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Charcoal Tooth Brush

Rs. 110.00


Charcoal toothbrushes are intended to whiten teeth, freshen breath, and remove bacteria in ways that standard toothbrushes can't. Recent studies show charcoal toothbrushes may be slightly more effective than normal toothbrushes.


  • Absorbs plaque. Charcoal has a naturally porous formation and when used in the mouth helps absorb bacteria and debris to effectively clean the teeth and gums.
  • Reduces tooth staining/whitens teeth.
  • Reduces bad breath & odour.
  • Filled with antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it helps to crush out bacterial and plaque formation.
  • Get a fresh, clean, and stain-free mouth with our charcoal-infused bamboo toothbrush.

Charcoal Tooth Brush

Rs. 110.00